Cursillo Supplies Information:

cursilloPilgrim’s guides

silver pendant Crosses

Cursillo Informational Brochure

Donation to Orlando Cursillo: Click HERE

Your donation allows us to continue our mission to be good servants and stewards of the mysteries of
God. It will help sponsor candidates for future weekends as well as help support Fourth Day activities.

Orlando Cursillo, Inc., a not-for-profit Florida corporation, and is currently recognized by the Internal
Revenue Service as having 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. If additional information is needed please contact us at

St. Peter Men’s Holy League

The 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Church for the rosary; for click here for more information

School of Leaders Information

Secretariat Members

Pescador Groups (Under Development)

Ultreya Information

Ultreya Meetings Information

World Organization of the Cursillo Movement

OMCC (Organismo Mundial de Cursillos de Cristiandad) Information

What is palanca?  What is a palanca letter?  A palanca letter is one that is sent to the candidates and team, informing them of the prayers and sacrifices that you are offering to God on their behalf.  A letter may be sent explaining what type of palanca is being offered, but the letter is NOT the palanca.  The actual palanca is the action – intercessory prayer, sacrifice, or works of mercy, and it can be done without writing a letter.

If you would like to receive an electronic reminder, highlighting each week’s upcoming events, subscribe to obtain our free emailing.  It is sent out each week.

Palanca is needed for these upcoming Cursillo events.  Please send an email to these local contact people, explaining the prayers and sacrifices that you are making for the participants.

Palanca for Cursillo Movements

Prayer Request for Cursillistas
Email Prayer Request

Check out the Special Prayer Requests Page for information on Cursillistas around the Diocese.

For Candidate & Sponsor Applications


40 Days of Life = MUST READ

Cursillo Book Table

Secretariat is requesting that in lieu of selling books, CD’s or DVD’s after the Study talk on the weekends, candidates will be provided with donated books, CD’s and DVD’s furnished by Orlando Cursillo Cursillistas.

CALL TO ACTION – This is a call for all of us to dust off the above mentioned, which have touched our lives and share them with others. We ask that Ultreya Coordinators collect books, CD’s and DVD’s at their monthly Ultreya meetings and then notify, so arrangements can be made for pick-up.

Contacts to Spanish and Vietnamese Cursillo Language Groups
